Sabtu, 28 Jun 2014

Siri mengenal masalah mental part 1

Salam to all :)

Cuaca hari nih memang panas kan? dengan jerebu lagi...memang tak sihat la utk aku keluar bersuka-ria...

Hari nih masuk hari ke-5 aku dekat psychiatry posting dan dengan bangganya hari nih aku tak tido langsung kat kelas...memang pelik la kalau aku tak tido kan? previous class mmg membute je...tak boleh nak buat apa dah...

Punca aku tak tido dalam kelas firstly sebab seat depan aku betul-betul Dr. Kartini...whoa! memang cari nahas la kalau aku tido kan? Hari nih kitaorang ada seminar pasal somatization disorder presented by students@kawan2 aku jugak and they did a very good job! Memang best and Dr.Kartini pun puji jugak...hehe bangga aku dengan dorg...

So, hari ini aku nak bagi kelas free kat korang? tak nak sudah tp gerenti menyesal punya la... Sebab apa?? sebabnya... berkemungkinan di akhir lecture aku nh korang akan tahu yang sebenarnya korang memang ada masalah mental...hah!! MASALAH MENTAL OKAY! Bukan gila! lain tu...Kita bercakap tentang kesihatan mental...ecece bunyi dah macam pegawai kesihatan dah aku...

Tajuk hari ini bertepatan dgn apa yg aku belajaq...berkongsi ilmu tu kan bagus...

Membebel lak kan? Ok back to the bussiness, aku nak share pasal firstly somatization disorder.

Sory la aku campuq2 melayu dengan english..buat-buat paham je la ye...


The manifestation of psychological distress by the presentation of bodily symptoms

Maksudnya, macam nih, aku bagi contoh;

Makcik A, 40 years old presented with complaints of unresolved abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting. Investigation done was uneventful. So, she seek psychiatrist for second opinion. On further questioning, actually she had marital disharmony and had to take care of her sick mother.STRESS KAN??

<cerita nih rekaan semata-mata utk tujuan pembelajaran>

So, kita boleh tgk makcik nh mcm ade surgical problems kan? Tp despite all, still unresolved. Lepas korek2 history rupanya ada masalah lain. 

Patient ada masalah mental dan badan dia yg tunjuk symptoms. Otherwise, dia takde hallucination, delusion or something else...

Penyakit nih common in female, less educated people and onset selalu before 30 years old


English dictionary oxford: 
Psychiatry The manifestation of a mental disturbance as a physical disorder or disease:
Cara senang nak faham and taknak bagi confuse dengan somatization disorder macam nh...
Patient have psychological problem but manifested as physical symptoms like motor symptoms and sensory.
Okay, peeps contohnya macam nh;Pakcik B, 54 years old Chinese admitted to medical ward for history of sudden bilateral lower limb weakness.The diagnosis made was Gullain Barre and he was given Ig. Surprisingly, he recovered after 1 day. On next 2 month, same thing happened again and the medical team doubt the diagnosis and refer to psychiatrist.After having along talk, the patient actually have history of fighting with her wife and he told that the symptoms usually happened suddenly while he arguing with the wife.
Nampak tak, patient tiba2 tak boleh jalan dan symptoms tu sekejap je and no prolonged.This one kita panggil conversion disorder. Tapi kena ingat, mesti exclude other IMPORTANT MEDICAL CAUSES first sebelum diagnosed as CD.

Setakat tu je...aku dah ngantuk and thanks sebab sanggup baca...



Till then with love <3

p/s: Nanti aku continue part 2  lepas aku balik picnic :P

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