Ahad, 22 September 2013

best buddies

Salam to all :)

introducing aku yer buddies.......jeng jeng jeng....
selfie when ktaorng tgk on da way nak g holiday kat balok je pun....tp yg kelakar, WAJA syaza boleh muatkan 7 org ... yg kat dalam nih dah macam tin sardin kena penyek dh  tp mmg best sgt holiday dgn kawan2!!...

7 people fit in one car and in one room ...mmg possible tuk holiday bajet tuk student cam ktaorng...
jadila kan...the most important thing the time spent togetha tu...

from back:aku, hannah, una, roza, wanie, syaza cun and amal vogue! best buddies of me
lagi selfie :)

abaikan muka aku tu kay!!!

till then with love...and next time aku cite sorang2 buddy aku nh perangai dorang...haha ok bai!